INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12205, '2022-01-13 19:40:02', 'Error processing carrier callback callback', 'Unhandled error. No databases know about this request id\n\ncarrier: Verizon, serviceName: carrierservice, callbackBody: {"requestId":"8a7776c6-7731-44f6-a28a-dfadc6b6d595","deviceIds":[{"id":"89148000006839918487","kind":"iccid"},{"id":"864839041633492","kind":"imei"}],"deviceResponse":{},"comment":"Success","callbackCount":1,"maxCallbackThreshold":4}', NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12206, '2022-01-13 19:42:17', 'Error processing carrier callback callback', 'Unhandled error. No databases know about this request id\n\ncarrier: Verizon, serviceName: carrierservice, callbackBody: {"requestId":"3c8ef406-4ea8-449d-85c9-5c4a6bbc09d4","deviceIds":[{"id":"89148000006839918487","kind":"iccid"},{"id":"864839041633492","kind":"imei"}],"deviceResponse":{},"comment":"Success","callbackCount":1,"maxCallbackThreshold":4}', NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12230, '2022-01-14 05:10:01', 'Cell Carrier Callback RegisterSim Failed', 'Currently Pending status change. Is it stuck?\n\nCarrier error on S/N H2RXGN02056569. SIM: 89148000005826344947. IMEI: 864839040753317. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.PendingStatusChange : Can not update the device in devicemanager. msg=Device status changes from pending to pending statuses is not allowed. ', NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12327, '2022-01-16 00:01:19', 'Reached max tries for verizon sim 89148000005826344947', 'Currently Pending status change. Is it stuck?', NULL, 'Doug Healy', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12334, '2022-01-16 00:13:31', 'Error processing carrier callback callback', 'carrier: Verizon, serviceName: carrierservice, callbackBody: {"requestId":"7ac5c2a2-d4ab-463b-a7b1-75cc088479c8","deviceIds":[{"id":"89148000007194797805","kind":"Iccid"}],"faultResponse":{"faultcode":"UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.PendingStatusChange","faultstring":"Can not update the device in devicemanager. msg=Device status changes from pending to pending statuses is not allowed"},"callbackCount":1,"maxCallbackThreshold":4}', NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', 'Device already active.'); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12372, '2022-01-17 19:36:59', 'Failed to save csv for enterprise invoice. Account: Mioe9hTOhzJfVDP08btr, InvoiceID: 202112, responseCode: BadRequest, responseBody: {"File":["The file type isn\'t permitted or the file\'s signature doesn\'t match the file\'s extension."]}', NULL, NULL, 'Josh Rice', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12552, '2022-01-23 19:34:21', 'Reached max tries for verizon sim 89148000005992595140', 'Max suspend days', NULL, 'Thane Boge', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12598, '2022-01-24 19:42:40', 'Cell Carrier Callback Suspend Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N H2RXHN07071359. SIM: 89148000005992590836. IMEI: 864839041654613. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED. MTN not found. ', NULL, 'Doug Healy', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12601, '2022-01-24 22:59:49', '"Sim: 89148000007606709471 was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Active. Requested update plan: DataAndSms"', 'No requests logged for this sim. ???\nNo entries in the Verizon state queue either. \nIs this AT&T', NULL, 'Doug Healy', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12612, '2022-01-25 17:16:01', 'Sales receipt error (BusinessLogic.PaymentsController.Post)', 'ERROR: Invoice 1067902 CC Capture process succeeded but the CC Capture request total 10.63 did not match QBO total 10.00.', NULL, 'Doug Healy', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12616, '2022-01-25 19:22:44', 'Exception in VerizonQueueProcessor An error occurred while sending the request.', NULL, ' at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithNtConnectionAuthAsync(HttpConnection connection, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithRetryAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Net.Http.RedirectHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Logging.LoggingHttpMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at CellularProviders.Services.Verizon.VerizonAuthHttpMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /src/CellularProviders/Services/Verizon/VerizonAuthHttpMessageHandler.cs:line 175\n at Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Logging.LoggingScopeHttpMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.FinishSendAsyncUnbuffered(Task`1 sendTask, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts)\n at CellularProviders.Services.Verizon.VerizonThingspaceClient.ListUsingPOSTAsync(DeviceListRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /src/CellularProviders/Services/Verizon/VerizonThingspaceClient.cs:line 2404\n at CellularProviders.Services.Verizon.VerizonService.GetSimInfoAsync(String sim) in /src/CellularProviders/Services/Verizon/VerizonService.cs:line 709\n at CellularProviders.Services.Verizon.VerizonQueueProcessor.RunPassAsync(CancellationToken token) in /src/CellularProviders/Services/Verizon/VerizonQueueProcessor.cs:line 247\n at Core.Services.RestartableBackgroundService`1.ExecuteWithNewScope(CancellationToken cancellation) in /src/Core/Services/RestartableBackgroundService.cs/RestartableBackgroundService.cs:line 157\n at Core.Services.RestartableBackgroundService`1.ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellation) in /src/Core/Services/RestartableBackgroundService.cs/RestartableBackgroundService.cs:line 99', 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12656, '2022-01-27 07:00:08', 'Error storing invoice', '/firebaseconnect/api/accounts/cDnMElsB4sNRx4xdAiVoV5peqfF2/invoices Exception thrown while creating invoice: in Firebase. Exception: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="AlreadyExists", Detail="Document already exists: projects/reconyx-2/databases/(default)/documents/accounts/cDnMElsB4sNRx4xdAiVoV5peqfF2/billing/202112", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643266808.213069482","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Document already exists: projects/reconyx-2/databases/(default)/documents/accounts/cDnMElsB4sNRx4xdAiVoV5peqfF2/billing/202112","grpc_status":6}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.WriteBatch.CommitAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.DocumentReference.CreateAsync(Object documentData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseImageUpload.Controllers.Invoices.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/Invoices.cs:line 547', NULL, 'Josh Rice', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12657, '2022-01-27 16:47:08', 'Error processing carrier callback callback', 'carrier: Verizon, serviceName: carrierservice, callbackBody: {"requestId":"ab96b840-fbc3-4991-900a-58905b443a64","deviceIds":[{"id":"864839045055866","kind":"imei"},{"id":"89148000006937469342","kind":"iccid"}],"deviceResponse":{"deactivateResponse":{"deactivated":true}},"status":"Success","callbackCount":1,"maxCallbackThreshold":4}', NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12658, '2022-01-27 17:33:35', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N H2RXHO03099597. SIM: 89148000007194802712. IMEI: 864839045162928. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12660, '2022-01-27 19:16:19', '"Sim: 89148000007535480822 was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Active. Requested update plan: DataAndSms"', NULL, NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12661, '2022-01-28 14:00:02', '"Sim: 89148000005825913791 was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, 'Adam Tegen', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12662, '2022-01-28 14:00:03', 'Error notifying app cluster of device change', ' did not return in success. Result: Failed to find device on account', NULL, 'Josh Rice', 'Open', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12663, '2022-01-28 20:16:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2/devices/HNTVHN09079575/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN09079575 on account w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="The service is temporarily unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643400973.196842752","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"The service is temporarily unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12664, '2022-01-28 20:16:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/dgZCm4lyz3M7mDJnBvqBE5wfS0E3/devices/HNTVHN10081263/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN10081263 on account dgZCm4lyz3M7mDJnBvqBE5wfS0E3, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="The service is temporarily unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643400973.139502731","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"The service is temporarily unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12665, '2022-01-28 20:16:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/mN8qaSChzsTVwaJMRhtEm5USHzO2/devices/HLPXHN12086498/commands Failed to get commands for device HLPXHN12086498 on account mN8qaSChzsTVwaJMRhtEm5USHzO2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="The service is temporarily unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643400973.272886199","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"The service is temporarily unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12666, '2022-01-28 22:11:30', 'Error processing carrier callback callback', 'carrier: Verizon, serviceName: carrierservice, callbackBody: {"requestId":"c5f7e629-45cb-49dc-9efb-e1f5ee98fa70","deviceIds":[{"id":"89148000005949660849","kind":"iccid"},{"id":"864839042653028","kind":"imei"}],"deviceResponse":{},"comment":"Success","callbackCount":1,"maxCallbackThreshold":4}', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12667, '2022-01-28 23:05:54', 'Error processing carrier callback callback', 'carrier: Verizon, serviceName: carrierservice, callbackBody: {"requestId":"6cab0d19-dadf-43f0-9720-105e3656c008","deviceIds":[{"id":"89148000005949660849","kind":"iccid"},{"id":"864839042653028","kind":"imei"}],"deviceResponse":{},"comment":"Success","callbackCount":1,"maxCallbackThreshold":4}', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12668, '2022-01-28 23:47:11', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/P0wvhuGOzVNdW581ipyZpURj4FD3/devices/H2RXHN10081236/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXHN10081236 on account P0wvhuGOzVNdW581ipyZpURj4FD3, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="The service is temporarily unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643413630.243680940","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"The service is temporarily unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (12673, '2022-01-29 00:01:13', '"Sim: 8931080520034179844F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Active. Requested update plan: DataAndSms"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14598, '2022-01-29 00:16:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14611, '2022-01-29 00:16:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14614, '2022-01-29 00:16:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14618, '2022-01-29 00:16:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14630, '2022-01-29 00:17:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14912, '2022-01-29 00:19:18', 'Error notifying app cluster of device change', ' did not return in success. Result: Could not identify device on the account by serial number. Accountid: enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, serialNumber: H2RXLP10127271', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (14913, '2022-01-29 00:19:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15110, '2022-01-29 00:20:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15123, '2022-01-29 00:20:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15135, '2022-01-29 00:21:04', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15148, '2022-01-29 00:21:10', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15160, '2022-01-29 00:21:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15172, '2022-01-29 00:21:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15184, '2022-01-29 00:21:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15185, '2022-01-29 00:21:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15188, '2022-01-29 00:21:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15189, '2022-01-29 00:21:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15192, '2022-01-29 00:21:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15193, '2022-01-29 00:21:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15590, '2022-01-29 00:24:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15603, '2022-01-29 00:24:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15615, '2022-01-29 00:24:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15627, '2022-01-29 00:24:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15639, '2022-01-29 00:25:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15643, '2022-01-29 00:25:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15656, '2022-01-29 00:25:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15657, '2022-01-29 00:25:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15660, '2022-01-29 00:25:09', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15661, '2022-01-29 00:25:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15664, '2022-01-29 00:25:10', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15665, '2022-01-29 00:25:10', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15696, '2022-01-29 00:25:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (15708, '2022-01-29 00:25:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16540, '2022-01-29 00:32:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16551, '2022-01-29 00:32:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16555, '2022-01-29 00:32:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16567, '2022-01-29 00:32:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16573, '2022-01-29 00:32:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16574, '2022-01-29 00:32:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16577, '2022-01-29 00:32:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16578, '2022-01-29 00:32:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16581, '2022-01-29 00:32:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16582, '2022-01-29 00:32:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16597, '2022-01-29 00:32:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16601, '2022-01-29 00:32:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16605, '2022-01-29 00:32:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16948, '2022-01-29 00:35:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16952, '2022-01-29 00:35:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (16955, '2022-01-29 00:35:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17070, '2022-01-29 00:36:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17074, '2022-01-29 00:36:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17078, '2022-01-29 00:36:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17104, '2022-01-29 00:36:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17108, '2022-01-29 00:36:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17111, '2022-01-29 00:36:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17130, '2022-01-29 00:36:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17134, '2022-01-29 00:36:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17139, '2022-01-29 00:36:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17323, '2022-01-29 00:38:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17335, '2022-01-29 00:38:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17338, '2022-01-29 00:38:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17350, '2022-01-29 00:38:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17351, '2022-01-29 00:38:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17354, '2022-01-29 00:38:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17355, '2022-01-29 00:38:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17358, '2022-01-29 00:38:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17359, '2022-01-29 00:38:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17377, '2022-01-29 00:38:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17380, '2022-01-29 00:38:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17384, '2022-01-29 00:38:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17450, '2022-01-29 00:39:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17454, '2022-01-29 00:39:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17458, '2022-01-29 00:39:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17816, '2022-01-29 00:42:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17820, '2022-01-29 00:42:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17832, '2022-01-29 00:42:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17845, '2022-01-29 00:42:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17857, '2022-01-29 00:42:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17870, '2022-01-29 00:42:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17882, '2022-01-29 00:42:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17883, '2022-01-29 00:42:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17886, '2022-01-29 00:42:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17887, '2022-01-29 00:42:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17889, '2022-01-29 00:42:43', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17890, '2022-01-29 00:42:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17908, '2022-01-29 00:42:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17912, '2022-01-29 00:42:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (17916, '2022-01-29 00:42:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18028, '2022-01-29 00:43:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18032, '2022-01-29 00:43:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18035, '2022-01-29 00:43:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18110, '2022-01-29 00:44:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18114, '2022-01-29 00:44:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18118, '2022-01-29 00:44:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18300, '2022-01-29 00:45:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18304, '2022-01-29 00:45:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18308, '2022-01-29 00:45:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18712, '2022-01-29 00:49:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18725, '2022-01-29 00:49:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18737, '2022-01-29 00:49:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18750, '2022-01-29 00:49:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18762, '2022-01-29 00:49:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18774, '2022-01-29 00:49:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18787, '2022-01-29 00:49:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18788, '2022-01-29 00:49:48', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18791, '2022-01-29 00:49:49', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18792, '2022-01-29 00:49:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18795, '2022-01-29 00:49:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18796, '2022-01-29 00:49:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18812, '2022-01-29 00:49:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18816, '2022-01-29 00:49:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (18820, '2022-01-29 00:50:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19062, '2022-01-29 00:51:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19075, '2022-01-29 00:52:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19087, '2022-01-29 00:52:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19099, '2022-01-29 00:52:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19111, '2022-01-29 00:52:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19124, '2022-01-29 00:52:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19129, '2022-01-29 00:52:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19130, '2022-01-29 00:52:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19133, '2022-01-29 00:52:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19134, '2022-01-29 00:52:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19137, '2022-01-29 00:52:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19138, '2022-01-29 00:52:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19153, '2022-01-29 00:52:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19159, '2022-01-29 00:52:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19163, '2022-01-29 00:52:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19346, '2022-01-29 00:54:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19348, '2022-01-29 00:54:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19351, '2022-01-29 00:54:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19352, '2022-01-29 00:54:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19355, '2022-01-29 00:54:09', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19356, '2022-01-29 00:54:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19365, '2022-01-29 00:54:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19366, '2022-01-29 00:54:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19369, '2022-01-29 00:54:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19370, '2022-01-29 00:54:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19373, '2022-01-29 00:54:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19374, '2022-01-29 00:54:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19383, '2022-01-29 00:54:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19384, '2022-01-29 00:54:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19387, '2022-01-29 00:54:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19388, '2022-01-29 00:54:20', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19391, '2022-01-29 00:54:21', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19392, '2022-01-29 00:54:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19401, '2022-01-29 00:54:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19402, '2022-01-29 00:54:25', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19405, '2022-01-29 00:54:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19406, '2022-01-29 00:54:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19410, '2022-01-29 00:54:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19411, '2022-01-29 00:54:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19420, '2022-01-29 00:54:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19421, '2022-01-29 00:54:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19423, '2022-01-29 00:54:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19424, '2022-01-29 00:54:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19427, '2022-01-29 00:54:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19428, '2022-01-29 00:54:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19438, '2022-01-29 00:54:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19439, '2022-01-29 00:54:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19441, '2022-01-29 00:54:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19442, '2022-01-29 00:54:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19445, '2022-01-29 00:54:38', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19446, '2022-01-29 00:54:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19455, '2022-01-29 00:54:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19456, '2022-01-29 00:54:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19459, '2022-01-29 00:54:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19460, '2022-01-29 00:54:43', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19462, '2022-01-29 00:54:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19463, '2022-01-29 00:54:44', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19472, '2022-01-29 00:54:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19473, '2022-01-29 00:54:47', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19600, '2022-01-29 00:55:48', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19601, '2022-01-29 00:55:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19603, '2022-01-29 00:55:48', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19604, '2022-01-29 00:55:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19607, '2022-01-29 00:55:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19608, '2022-01-29 00:55:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19618, '2022-01-29 00:55:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19619, '2022-01-29 00:55:54', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19621, '2022-01-29 00:55:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19622, '2022-01-29 00:55:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19625, '2022-01-29 00:55:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19626, '2022-01-29 00:55:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19635, '2022-01-29 00:55:59', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19636, '2022-01-29 00:55:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19639, '2022-01-29 00:56:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19640, '2022-01-29 00:56:00', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19643, '2022-01-29 00:56:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19644, '2022-01-29 00:56:01', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19653, '2022-01-29 00:56:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19654, '2022-01-29 00:56:05', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19657, '2022-01-29 00:56:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19658, '2022-01-29 00:56:06', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19662, '2022-01-29 00:56:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19663, '2022-01-29 00:56:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19671, '2022-01-29 00:56:11', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19672, '2022-01-29 00:56:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19676, '2022-01-29 00:56:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19677, '2022-01-29 00:56:12', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19679, '2022-01-29 00:56:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19680, '2022-01-29 00:56:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19690, '2022-01-29 00:56:17', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19691, '2022-01-29 00:56:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19693, '2022-01-29 00:56:17', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19694, '2022-01-29 00:56:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19697, '2022-01-29 00:56:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19698, '2022-01-29 00:56:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19707, '2022-01-29 00:56:22', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19708, '2022-01-29 00:56:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19711, '2022-01-29 00:56:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19712, '2022-01-29 00:56:23', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19715, '2022-01-29 00:56:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19716, '2022-01-29 00:56:24', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19725, '2022-01-29 00:56:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19726, '2022-01-29 00:56:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19729, '2022-01-29 00:56:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19730, '2022-01-29 00:56:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19733, '2022-01-29 00:56:30', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19734, '2022-01-29 00:56:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19744, '2022-01-29 00:56:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19745, '2022-01-29 00:56:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19748, '2022-01-29 00:56:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19749, '2022-01-29 00:56:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19751, '2022-01-29 00:56:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19752, '2022-01-29 00:56:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19761, '2022-01-29 00:56:40', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19762, '2022-01-29 00:56:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19765, '2022-01-29 00:56:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19766, '2022-01-29 00:56:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19769, '2022-01-29 00:56:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19770, '2022-01-29 00:56:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19782, '2022-01-29 00:56:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19785, '2022-01-29 00:56:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19798, '2022-01-29 00:56:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19810, '2022-01-29 00:56:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19826, '2022-01-29 00:57:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19838, '2022-01-29 00:57:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19848, '2022-01-29 00:57:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19860, '2022-01-29 00:57:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19872, '2022-01-29 00:57:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19883, '2022-01-29 00:57:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19897, '2022-01-29 00:57:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19905, '2022-01-29 00:57:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19906, '2022-01-29 00:57:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19917, '2022-01-29 00:57:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19929, '2022-01-29 00:57:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19941, '2022-01-29 00:57:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19951, '2022-01-29 00:58:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19963, '2022-01-29 00:58:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19975, '2022-01-29 00:58:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19986, '2022-01-29 00:58:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (19997, '2022-01-29 00:58:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20008, '2022-01-29 00:58:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20009, '2022-01-29 00:58:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20020, '2022-01-29 00:58:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20021, '2022-01-29 00:58:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20123, '2022-01-29 00:59:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20124, '2022-01-29 00:59:20', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20127, '2022-01-29 00:59:21', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20128, '2022-01-29 00:59:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20131, '2022-01-29 00:59:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20132, '2022-01-29 00:59:22', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20141, '2022-01-29 00:59:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20142, '2022-01-29 00:59:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20145, '2022-01-29 00:59:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20146, '2022-01-29 00:59:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20150, '2022-01-29 00:59:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20151, '2022-01-29 00:59:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20160, '2022-01-29 00:59:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20161, '2022-01-29 00:59:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20164, '2022-01-29 00:59:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20165, '2022-01-29 00:59:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20168, '2022-01-29 00:59:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20169, '2022-01-29 00:59:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20179, '2022-01-29 00:59:38', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20180, '2022-01-29 00:59:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20183, '2022-01-29 00:59:39', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20184, '2022-01-29 00:59:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20187, '2022-01-29 00:59:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20188, '2022-01-29 00:59:40', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20198, '2022-01-29 00:59:44', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20199, '2022-01-29 00:59:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20201, '2022-01-29 00:59:45', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20202, '2022-01-29 00:59:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20205, '2022-01-29 00:59:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20206, '2022-01-29 00:59:46', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20215, '2022-01-29 00:59:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20216, '2022-01-29 00:59:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20219, '2022-01-29 00:59:51', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20220, '2022-01-29 00:59:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20224, '2022-01-29 00:59:52', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20225, '2022-01-29 00:59:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20233, '2022-01-29 00:59:56', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20235, '2022-01-29 00:59:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20238, '2022-01-29 00:59:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20239, '2022-01-29 00:59:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20242, '2022-01-29 00:59:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20243, '2022-01-29 00:59:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20252, '2022-01-29 01:00:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20253, '2022-01-29 01:00:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20257, '2022-01-29 01:00:03', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20258, '2022-01-29 01:00:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20260, '2022-01-29 01:00:04', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20261, '2022-01-29 01:00:04', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20280, '2022-01-29 01:00:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20281, '2022-01-29 01:00:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20284, '2022-01-29 01:00:09', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20285, '2022-01-29 01:00:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20292, '2022-01-29 01:00:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20293, '2022-01-29 01:00:11', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20310, '2022-01-29 01:00:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20311, '2022-01-29 01:00:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20316, '2022-01-29 01:00:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20317, '2022-01-29 01:00:16', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20320, '2022-01-29 01:00:16', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20321, '2022-01-29 01:00:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20338, '2022-01-29 01:00:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20339, '2022-01-29 01:00:20', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20344, '2022-01-29 01:00:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20345, '2022-01-29 01:00:21', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20350, '2022-01-29 01:00:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20351, '2022-01-29 01:00:22', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20368, '2022-01-29 01:00:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20369, '2022-01-29 01:00:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20374, '2022-01-29 01:00:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20375, '2022-01-29 01:00:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20380, '2022-01-29 01:00:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20381, '2022-01-29 01:00:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20398, '2022-01-29 01:00:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20399, '2022-01-29 01:00:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20402, '2022-01-29 01:00:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20403, '2022-01-29 01:00:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20410, '2022-01-29 01:00:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20411, '2022-01-29 01:00:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20426, '2022-01-29 01:00:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20427, '2022-01-29 01:00:38', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20506, '2022-01-29 01:00:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20507, '2022-01-29 01:00:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20510, '2022-01-29 01:00:56', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20511, '2022-01-29 01:00:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20516, '2022-01-29 01:00:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20517, '2022-01-29 01:00:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20534, '2022-01-29 01:01:00', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20535, '2022-01-29 01:01:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20562, '2022-01-29 01:01:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20585, '2022-01-29 01:01:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20609, '2022-01-29 01:01:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20635, '2022-01-29 01:01:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20644, '2022-01-29 01:01:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20665, '2022-01-29 01:01:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20688, '2022-01-29 01:01:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20714, '2022-01-29 01:01:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20730, '2022-01-29 01:01:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20756, '2022-01-29 01:01:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20773, '2022-01-29 01:01:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20794, '2022-01-29 01:02:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20815, '2022-01-29 01:02:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20835, '2022-01-29 01:02:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20857, '2022-01-29 01:02:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (20880, '2022-01-29 01:02:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21149, '2022-01-29 01:03:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21150, '2022-01-29 01:03:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21155, '2022-01-29 01:03:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21156, '2022-01-29 01:03:28', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21160, '2022-01-29 01:03:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21161, '2022-01-29 01:03:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21178, '2022-01-29 01:03:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21179, '2022-01-29 01:03:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21183, '2022-01-29 01:03:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21184, '2022-01-29 01:03:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21189, '2022-01-29 01:03:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21190, '2022-01-29 01:03:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21206, '2022-01-29 01:03:38', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21207, '2022-01-29 01:03:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21212, '2022-01-29 01:03:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21213, '2022-01-29 01:03:39', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21218, '2022-01-29 01:03:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21219, '2022-01-29 01:03:40', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21230, '2022-01-29 01:03:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21231, '2022-01-29 01:03:44', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21236, '2022-01-29 01:03:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21237, '2022-01-29 01:03:45', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21242, '2022-01-29 01:03:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21243, '2022-01-29 01:03:46', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21260, '2022-01-29 01:03:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21261, '2022-01-29 01:03:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21266, '2022-01-29 01:03:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21267, '2022-01-29 01:03:51', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21272, '2022-01-29 01:03:52', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21273, '2022-01-29 01:03:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21314, '2022-01-29 01:04:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21337, '2022-01-29 01:04:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21360, '2022-01-29 01:04:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21371, '2022-01-29 01:04:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21392, '2022-01-29 01:04:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21413, '2022-01-29 01:04:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21434, '2022-01-29 01:04:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21457, '2022-01-29 01:04:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21478, '2022-01-29 01:04:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21499, '2022-01-29 01:04:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21520, '2022-01-29 01:04:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21543, '2022-01-29 01:04:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21564, '2022-01-29 01:04:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21587, '2022-01-29 01:05:04', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21608, '2022-01-29 01:05:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21631, '2022-01-29 01:05:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21842, '2022-01-29 01:06:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21865, '2022-01-29 01:06:10', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21888, '2022-01-29 01:06:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21913, '2022-01-29 01:06:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21936, '2022-01-29 01:06:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21941, '2022-01-29 01:06:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21964, '2022-01-29 01:06:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21965, '2022-01-29 01:06:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21970, '2022-01-29 01:06:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21971, '2022-01-29 01:06:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21976, '2022-01-29 01:06:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (21977, '2022-01-29 01:06:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22002, '2022-01-29 01:06:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22009, '2022-01-29 01:06:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22014, '2022-01-29 01:06:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22923, '2022-01-29 01:10:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22946, '2022-01-29 01:10:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22969, '2022-01-29 01:10:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (22974, '2022-01-29 01:10:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23309, '2022-01-29 01:11:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23310, '2022-01-29 01:11:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23315, '2022-01-29 01:11:56', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23316, '2022-01-29 01:11:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23322, '2022-01-29 01:11:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23323, '2022-01-29 01:11:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23341, '2022-01-29 01:12:01', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23342, '2022-01-29 01:12:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23347, '2022-01-29 01:12:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23348, '2022-01-29 01:12:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23353, '2022-01-29 01:12:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23354, '2022-01-29 01:12:03', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23371, '2022-01-29 01:12:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23372, '2022-01-29 01:12:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23377, '2022-01-29 01:12:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23378, '2022-01-29 01:12:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23385, '2022-01-29 01:12:09', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23386, '2022-01-29 01:12:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23401, '2022-01-29 01:12:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23402, '2022-01-29 01:12:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23409, '2022-01-29 01:12:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23410, '2022-01-29 01:12:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23413, '2022-01-29 01:12:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23414, '2022-01-29 01:12:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23431, '2022-01-29 01:12:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23432, '2022-01-29 01:12:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23437, '2022-01-29 01:12:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23438, '2022-01-29 01:12:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23445, '2022-01-29 01:12:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23446, '2022-01-29 01:12:21', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23461, '2022-01-29 01:12:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23462, '2022-01-29 01:12:24', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23467, '2022-01-29 01:12:25', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23468, '2022-01-29 01:12:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23473, '2022-01-29 01:12:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23474, '2022-01-29 01:12:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23491, '2022-01-29 01:12:30', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23492, '2022-01-29 01:12:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23521, '2022-01-29 01:12:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23522, '2022-01-29 01:12:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23525, '2022-01-29 01:12:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23526, '2022-01-29 01:12:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23531, '2022-01-29 01:12:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23532, '2022-01-29 01:12:38', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23549, '2022-01-29 01:12:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23551, '2022-01-29 01:12:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23555, '2022-01-29 01:12:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23556, '2022-01-29 01:12:43', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23561, '2022-01-29 01:12:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23562, '2022-01-29 01:12:44', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23579, '2022-01-29 01:12:48', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23580, '2022-01-29 01:12:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23585, '2022-01-29 01:12:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23586, '2022-01-29 01:12:49', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23591, '2022-01-29 01:12:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23592, '2022-01-29 01:12:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23609, '2022-01-29 01:12:54', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23610, '2022-01-29 01:12:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23617, '2022-01-29 01:12:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23618, '2022-01-29 01:12:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23623, '2022-01-29 01:12:56', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23624, '2022-01-29 01:12:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23641, '2022-01-29 01:13:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23642, '2022-01-29 01:13:00', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23647, '2022-01-29 01:13:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23648, '2022-01-29 01:13:01', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23655, '2022-01-29 01:13:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23656, '2022-01-29 01:13:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23673, '2022-01-29 01:13:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23674, '2022-01-29 01:13:06', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23679, '2022-01-29 01:13:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23680, '2022-01-29 01:13:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23685, '2022-01-29 01:13:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23686, '2022-01-29 01:13:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23703, '2022-01-29 01:13:12', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23704, '2022-01-29 01:13:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23707, '2022-01-29 01:13:12', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23708, '2022-01-29 01:13:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23713, '2022-01-29 01:13:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23714, '2022-01-29 01:13:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23731, '2022-01-29 01:13:17', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23732, '2022-01-29 01:13:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23737, '2022-01-29 01:13:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23738, '2022-01-29 01:13:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23743, '2022-01-29 01:13:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23744, '2022-01-29 01:13:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23763, '2022-01-29 01:13:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23764, '2022-01-29 01:13:23', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23767, '2022-01-29 01:13:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23768, '2022-01-29 01:13:24', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23773, '2022-01-29 01:13:25', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23774, '2022-01-29 01:13:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23791, '2022-01-29 01:13:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23792, '2022-01-29 01:13:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23797, '2022-01-29 01:13:30', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23798, '2022-01-29 01:13:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23803, '2022-01-29 01:13:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23804, '2022-01-29 01:13:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23821, '2022-01-29 01:13:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23822, '2022-01-29 01:13:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23827, '2022-01-29 01:13:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23828, '2022-01-29 01:13:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23835, '2022-01-29 01:13:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23836, '2022-01-29 01:13:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23853, '2022-01-29 01:13:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23854, '2022-01-29 01:13:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23859, '2022-01-29 01:13:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23860, '2022-01-29 01:13:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23867, '2022-01-29 01:13:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23868, '2022-01-29 01:13:43', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23883, '2022-01-29 01:13:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23884, '2022-01-29 01:13:47', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23889, '2022-01-29 01:13:48', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23890, '2022-01-29 01:13:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23895, '2022-01-29 01:13:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23896, '2022-01-29 01:13:49', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23913, '2022-01-29 01:13:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23914, '2022-01-29 01:13:52', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23919, '2022-01-29 01:13:53', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23920, '2022-01-29 01:13:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23925, '2022-01-29 01:13:54', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23926, '2022-01-29 01:13:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23943, '2022-01-29 01:13:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23944, '2022-01-29 01:13:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23951, '2022-01-29 01:13:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23952, '2022-01-29 01:14:00', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23955, '2022-01-29 01:14:00', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23956, '2022-01-29 01:14:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23973, '2022-01-29 01:14:04', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23974, '2022-01-29 01:14:04', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23979, '2022-01-29 01:14:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (23980, '2022-01-29 01:14:05', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24009, '2022-01-29 01:14:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24010, '2022-01-29 01:14:12', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24015, '2022-01-29 01:14:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24016, '2022-01-29 01:14:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24021, '2022-01-29 01:14:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24022, '2022-01-29 01:14:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24039, '2022-01-29 01:14:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24040, '2022-01-29 01:14:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24045, '2022-01-29 01:14:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24046, '2022-01-29 01:14:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24051, '2022-01-29 01:14:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24052, '2022-01-29 01:14:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24069, '2022-01-29 01:14:23', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24070, '2022-01-29 01:14:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24075, '2022-01-29 01:14:24', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24076, '2022-01-29 01:14:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24081, '2022-01-29 01:14:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24082, '2022-01-29 01:14:25', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24099, '2022-01-29 01:14:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24100, '2022-01-29 01:14:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24105, '2022-01-29 01:14:30', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24106, '2022-01-29 01:14:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24111, '2022-01-29 01:14:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24112, '2022-01-29 01:14:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24129, '2022-01-29 01:14:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24130, '2022-01-29 01:14:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24135, '2022-01-29 01:14:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24136, '2022-01-29 01:14:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24139, '2022-01-29 01:14:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24140, '2022-01-29 01:14:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24159, '2022-01-29 01:14:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24160, '2022-01-29 01:14:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24163, '2022-01-29 01:14:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24164, '2022-01-29 01:14:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24169, '2022-01-29 01:14:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24170, '2022-01-29 01:14:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24187, '2022-01-29 01:14:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24188, '2022-01-29 01:14:46', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24193, '2022-01-29 01:14:47', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24194, '2022-01-29 01:14:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24197, '2022-01-29 01:14:47', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24200, '2022-01-29 01:14:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24217, '2022-01-29 01:14:52', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24218, '2022-01-29 01:14:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24221, '2022-01-29 01:14:52', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24222, '2022-01-29 01:14:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24227, '2022-01-29 01:14:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24228, '2022-01-29 01:14:53', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24245, '2022-01-29 01:14:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24246, '2022-01-29 01:14:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24251, '2022-01-29 01:14:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24252, '2022-01-29 01:14:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24257, '2022-01-29 01:14:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24258, '2022-01-29 01:14:59', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24275, '2022-01-29 01:15:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24276, '2022-01-29 01:15:03', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24281, '2022-01-29 01:15:04', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24282, '2022-01-29 01:15:04', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24287, '2022-01-29 01:15:05', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24288, '2022-01-29 01:15:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24505, '2022-01-29 01:15:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24506, '2022-01-29 01:15:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24511, '2022-01-29 01:15:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24512, '2022-01-29 01:15:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24515, '2022-01-29 01:15:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24516, '2022-01-29 01:15:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24533, '2022-01-29 01:16:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24534, '2022-01-29 01:16:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24540, '2022-01-29 01:16:03', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24541, '2022-01-29 01:16:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24545, '2022-01-29 01:16:04', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24546, '2022-01-29 01:16:04', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24563, '2022-01-29 01:16:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24564, '2022-01-29 01:16:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24569, '2022-01-29 01:16:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24570, '2022-01-29 01:16:09', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24576, '2022-01-29 01:16:10', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24578, '2022-01-29 01:16:10', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24593, '2022-01-29 01:16:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24595, '2022-01-29 01:16:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24599, '2022-01-29 01:16:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24600, '2022-01-29 01:16:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24605, '2022-01-29 01:16:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24606, '2022-01-29 01:16:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24623, '2022-01-29 01:16:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24624, '2022-01-29 01:16:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24627, '2022-01-29 01:16:20', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24628, '2022-01-29 01:16:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24633, '2022-01-29 01:16:21', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24634, '2022-01-29 01:16:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24653, '2022-01-29 01:16:25', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24654, '2022-01-29 01:16:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24659, '2022-01-29 01:16:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24660, '2022-01-29 01:16:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24665, '2022-01-29 01:16:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24666, '2022-01-29 01:16:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24683, '2022-01-29 01:16:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24684, '2022-01-29 01:16:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24689, '2022-01-29 01:16:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24690, '2022-01-29 01:16:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24695, '2022-01-29 01:16:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24696, '2022-01-29 01:16:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24737, '2022-01-29 01:16:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24742, '2022-01-29 01:16:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24747, '2022-01-29 01:16:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24760, '2022-01-29 01:16:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24777, '2022-01-29 01:16:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24798, '2022-01-29 01:16:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24821, '2022-01-29 01:17:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24842, '2022-01-29 01:17:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24863, '2022-01-29 01:17:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24886, '2022-01-29 01:17:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24907, '2022-01-29 01:17:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24928, '2022-01-29 01:17:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24951, '2022-01-29 01:17:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24974, '2022-01-29 01:17:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24995, '2022-01-29 01:17:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (24996, '2022-01-29 01:17:42', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25017, '2022-01-29 01:17:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25018, '2022-01-29 01:17:47', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25041, '2022-01-29 01:17:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25042, '2022-01-29 01:17:52', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25063, '2022-01-29 01:17:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25086, '2022-01-29 01:18:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25087, '2022-01-29 01:18:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25112, '2022-01-29 01:18:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25129, '2022-01-29 01:18:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25152, '2022-01-29 01:18:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25172, '2022-01-29 01:18:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25194, '2022-01-29 01:18:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25195, '2022-01-29 01:18:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25216, '2022-01-29 01:18:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25239, '2022-01-29 01:18:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25240, '2022-01-29 01:18:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25261, '2022-01-29 01:18:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25262, '2022-01-29 01:18:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25283, '2022-01-29 01:18:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25306, '2022-01-29 01:18:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25327, '2022-01-29 01:18:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25328, '2022-01-29 01:18:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25350, '2022-01-29 01:19:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25374, '2022-01-29 01:19:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25394, '2022-01-29 01:19:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25416, '2022-01-29 01:19:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25417, '2022-01-29 01:19:17', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25439, '2022-01-29 01:19:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25459, '2022-01-29 01:19:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25460, '2022-01-29 01:19:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25483, '2022-01-29 01:19:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25504, '2022-01-29 01:19:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25527, '2022-01-29 01:19:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25554, '2022-01-29 01:19:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25573, '2022-01-29 01:19:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25592, '2022-01-29 01:19:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25613, '2022-01-29 01:20:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25638, '2022-01-29 01:20:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25661, '2022-01-29 01:20:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25680, '2022-01-29 01:20:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25701, '2022-01-29 01:20:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25722, '2022-01-29 01:20:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25743, '2022-01-29 01:20:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25764, '2022-01-29 01:20:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25789, '2022-01-29 01:20:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25808, '2022-01-29 01:20:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25831, '2022-01-29 01:20:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25852, '2022-01-29 01:20:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25874, '2022-01-29 01:21:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25875, '2022-01-29 01:21:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25897, '2022-01-29 01:21:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25898, '2022-01-29 01:21:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25919, '2022-01-29 01:21:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25940, '2022-01-29 01:21:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25964, '2022-01-29 01:21:22', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25965, '2022-01-29 01:21:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (25985, '2022-01-29 01:21:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26006, '2022-01-29 01:21:31', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26007, '2022-01-29 01:21:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26030, '2022-01-29 01:21:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26051, '2022-01-29 01:21:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26072, '2022-01-29 01:21:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26095, '2022-01-29 01:21:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26116, '2022-01-29 01:21:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26137, '2022-01-29 01:22:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26160, '2022-01-29 01:22:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26183, '2022-01-29 01:22:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26204, '2022-01-29 01:22:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26226, '2022-01-29 01:22:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26247, '2022-01-29 01:22:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26269, '2022-01-29 01:22:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26292, '2022-01-29 01:22:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26313, '2022-01-29 01:22:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26333, '2022-01-29 01:22:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26355, '2022-01-29 01:22:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26379, '2022-01-29 01:22:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26399, '2022-01-29 01:23:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26422, '2022-01-29 01:23:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26423, '2022-01-29 01:23:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26444, '2022-01-29 01:23:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26463, '2022-01-29 01:23:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26485, '2022-01-29 01:23:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26506, '2022-01-29 01:23:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26530, '2022-01-29 01:23:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26550, '2022-01-29 01:23:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26580, '2022-01-29 01:23:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26599, '2022-01-29 01:23:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26620, '2022-01-29 01:23:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26639, '2022-01-29 01:23:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26658, '2022-01-29 01:24:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26683, '2022-01-29 01:24:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26706, '2022-01-29 01:24:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26723, '2022-01-29 01:24:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26744, '2022-01-29 01:24:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26769, '2022-01-29 01:24:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26790, '2022-01-29 01:24:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26811, '2022-01-29 01:24:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26836, '2022-01-29 01:24:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26855, '2022-01-29 01:24:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26876, '2022-01-29 01:24:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26898, '2022-01-29 01:24:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26920, '2022-01-29 01:25:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26941, '2022-01-29 01:25:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26964, '2022-01-29 01:25:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (26987, '2022-01-29 01:25:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27006, '2022-01-29 01:25:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27029, '2022-01-29 01:25:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27050, '2022-01-29 01:25:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27071, '2022-01-29 01:25:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27098, '2022-01-29 01:25:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27115, '2022-01-29 01:25:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27146, '2022-01-29 01:25:54', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27147, '2022-01-29 01:25:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27160, '2022-01-29 01:25:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27180, '2022-01-29 01:26:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27181, '2022-01-29 01:26:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27205, '2022-01-29 01:26:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27226, '2022-01-29 01:26:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27251, '2022-01-29 01:26:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27252, '2022-01-29 01:26:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27271, '2022-01-29 01:26:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27494, '2022-01-29 01:27:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27519, '2022-01-29 01:27:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27542, '2022-01-29 01:27:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27565, '2022-01-29 01:27:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27570, '2022-01-29 01:27:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27581, '2022-01-29 01:27:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27582, '2022-01-29 01:27:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27587, '2022-01-29 01:27:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27588, '2022-01-29 01:27:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27591, '2022-01-29 01:27:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27592, '2022-01-29 01:27:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27625, '2022-01-29 01:27:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27632, '2022-01-29 01:27:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27633, '2022-01-29 01:27:46', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27836, '2022-01-29 01:28:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (27837, '2022-01-29 01:28:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (28735, '2022-01-29 01:32:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (28742, '2022-01-29 01:32:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (28749, '2022-01-29 01:32:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (29568, '2022-01-29 01:35:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (29573, '2022-01-29 01:35:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (29580, '2022-01-29 01:35:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30221, '2022-01-29 01:38:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30230, '2022-01-29 01:38:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30237, '2022-01-29 01:38:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30484, '2022-01-29 01:39:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30509, '2022-01-29 01:39:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30512, '2022-01-29 01:39:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30535, '2022-01-29 01:39:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30536, '2022-01-29 01:39:25', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30542, '2022-01-29 01:39:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30543, '2022-01-29 01:39:26', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30547, '2022-01-29 01:39:27', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30548, '2022-01-29 01:39:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30597, '2022-01-29 01:39:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30604, '2022-01-29 01:39:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30611, '2022-01-29 01:39:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30974, '2022-01-29 01:41:10', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30981, '2022-01-29 01:41:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (30988, '2022-01-29 01:41:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31375, '2022-01-29 01:42:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31382, '2022-01-29 01:42:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31387, '2022-01-29 01:42:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31554, '2022-01-29 01:43:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31561, '2022-01-29 01:43:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31562, '2022-01-29 01:43:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31797, '2022-01-29 01:44:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31806, '2022-01-29 01:44:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (31811, '2022-01-29 01:44:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (32166, '2022-01-29 01:45:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (32173, '2022-01-29 01:45:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (32180, '2022-01-29 01:45:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (32871, '2022-01-29 01:48:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (32878, '2022-01-29 01:48:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (32885, '2022-01-29 01:48:47', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (33006, '2022-01-29 01:49:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (33013, '2022-01-29 01:49:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (33020, '2022-01-29 01:49:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34811, '2022-01-29 01:56:31', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34836, '2022-01-29 01:56:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34859, '2022-01-29 01:56:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34882, '2022-01-29 01:56:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34883, '2022-01-29 01:56:48', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34888, '2022-01-29 01:56:49', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34889, '2022-01-29 01:56:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34892, '2022-01-29 01:56:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34893, '2022-01-29 01:56:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34924, '2022-01-29 01:56:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34931, '2022-01-29 01:56:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (34936, '2022-01-29 01:56:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (35102, '2022-01-29 01:57:39', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643421458.788902726","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (53095, '2022-01-29 02:47:01', 'Invoice error capturing payment (BusinessLogic.PaymentsController.Post)', 'authNet Response: \'Error Code E00040: Customer Profile ID or Customer Payment Profile ID not found.\', CaptureRequestDTO: {"IdEnterprise":"1010221","IdAuthnetCustomerProfile":"932078917","CustomerPaymentProfileId":"935199623","SubscriptionId":"55924741","InvoiceNumber":"1068507","TotalAmt":5.0,"TaxAmt":0.0,"CardCode":"575","Lines":[{"amount":5.0,"quantity":1,"sku":"MA","description":"Camera Access"}],"Address":{"firstName":"Darryl","lastName":"Loggains","company":null,"line1":"706 Willow Street","line2":"","city":"Harrisburg","region":"AR","postalCode":"72432","country":"US","phoneNumber":null,"email":null},"TaxExempt":null,"InternalNote":null,"CustomerNote":null}, AuthNetRequest: {"IdAuthnetCustomerProfile":"932078917","customerPaymentProfileId":"935199623","subscriptionId":"55924741","invoiceNumber":"1068507","totalAmount":5.0,"taxAmount":0.0,"cardCode":"575","address":{"firstName":"Darryl","lastName":"Loggains","company":null,"line1":"706 Willow Street","line2":"","city":"Harrisburg","region":"AR","postalCode":"72432","country":"US","phoneNumber":null}}', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55741, '2022-01-29 02:54:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55775, '2022-01-29 02:54:11', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55782, '2022-01-29 02:54:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55789, '2022-01-29 02:54:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55790, '2022-01-29 02:54:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55797, '2022-01-29 02:54:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55798, '2022-01-29 02:54:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55805, '2022-01-29 02:54:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55806, '2022-01-29 02:54:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55858, '2022-01-29 02:54:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55868, '2022-01-29 02:54:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (55878, '2022-01-29 02:54:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (56911, '2022-01-29 02:57:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (56948, '2022-01-29 02:57:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (56982, '2022-01-29 02:57:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57019, '2022-01-29 02:57:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57020, '2022-01-29 02:57:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57027, '2022-01-29 02:57:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57028, '2022-01-29 02:57:30', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57038, '2022-01-29 02:57:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57039, '2022-01-29 02:57:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57101, '2022-01-29 02:57:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57110, '2022-01-29 02:57:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (57120, '2022-01-29 02:57:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (58129, '2022-01-29 03:00:27', 'Cell Carrier Callback Suspend Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N H2RXHO01092301. SIM: 89148000006839922364. IMEI: 864839044340673. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED. MTN not found. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60185, '2022-01-29 03:04:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60230, '2022-01-29 03:05:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60279, '2022-01-29 03:05:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60292, '2022-01-29 03:05:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60337, '2022-01-29 03:05:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60382, '2022-01-29 03:05:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60391, '2022-01-29 03:05:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60392, '2022-01-29 03:05:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60401, '2022-01-29 03:05:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60402, '2022-01-29 03:05:20', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60411, '2022-01-29 03:05:20', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60412, '2022-01-29 03:05:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60516, '2022-01-29 03:05:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60528, '2022-01-29 03:05:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (60539, '2022-01-29 03:05:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61460, '2022-01-29 03:07:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61469, '2022-01-29 03:07:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61486, '2022-01-29 03:07:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61487, '2022-01-29 03:07:29', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61516, '2022-01-29 03:07:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61517, '2022-01-29 03:07:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61526, '2022-01-29 03:07:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61527, '2022-01-29 03:07:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61536, '2022-01-29 03:07:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61537, '2022-01-29 03:07:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61550, '2022-01-29 03:07:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (61551, '2022-01-29 03:07:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62652, '2022-01-29 03:09:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62653, '2022-01-29 03:09:49', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62662, '2022-01-29 03:09:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62663, '2022-01-29 03:09:50', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62672, '2022-01-29 03:09:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62673, '2022-01-29 03:09:51', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62708, '2022-01-29 03:09:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62709, '2022-01-29 03:09:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62716, '2022-01-29 03:09:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62717, '2022-01-29 03:09:56', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62726, '2022-01-29 03:09:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62727, '2022-01-29 03:09:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62764, '2022-01-29 03:10:01', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62765, '2022-01-29 03:10:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62774, '2022-01-29 03:10:02', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62775, '2022-01-29 03:10:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62784, '2022-01-29 03:10:03', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62785, '2022-01-29 03:10:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62818, '2022-01-29 03:10:07', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62819, '2022-01-29 03:10:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62828, '2022-01-29 03:10:08', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62829, '2022-01-29 03:10:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62838, '2022-01-29 03:10:09', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62839, '2022-01-29 03:10:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62872, '2022-01-29 03:10:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62873, '2022-01-29 03:10:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62882, '2022-01-29 03:10:13', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62883, '2022-01-29 03:10:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62892, '2022-01-29 03:10:14', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62893, '2022-01-29 03:10:14', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62930, '2022-01-29 03:10:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62931, '2022-01-29 03:10:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62935, '2022-01-29 03:10:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62936, '2022-01-29 03:10:19', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62942, '2022-01-29 03:10:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (62955, '2022-01-29 03:10:24', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63007, '2022-01-29 03:10:39', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63008, '2022-01-29 03:10:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63020, '2022-01-29 03:10:40', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63023, '2022-01-29 03:10:40', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63024, '2022-01-29 03:10:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63027, '2022-01-29 03:10:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63058, '2022-01-29 03:10:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63067, '2022-01-29 03:10:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63076, '2022-01-29 03:10:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63121, '2022-01-29 03:10:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63122, '2022-01-29 03:10:45', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63139, '2022-01-29 03:10:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63184, '2022-01-29 03:10:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63229, '2022-01-29 03:10:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63266, '2022-01-29 03:10:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63311, '2022-01-29 03:11:02', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63348, '2022-01-29 03:11:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63421, '2022-01-29 03:11:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63436, '2022-01-29 03:11:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63475, '2022-01-29 03:11:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63520, '2022-01-29 03:11:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63563, '2022-01-29 03:11:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63598, '2022-01-29 03:11:37', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63599, '2022-01-29 03:11:37', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63642, '2022-01-29 03:11:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63685, '2022-01-29 03:11:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63730, '2022-01-29 03:11:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63813, '2022-01-29 03:12:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63852, '2022-01-29 03:12:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63897, '2022-01-29 03:12:12', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63938, '2022-01-29 03:12:17', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63939, '2022-01-29 03:12:17', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (63980, '2022-01-29 03:12:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (64025, '2022-01-29 03:12:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (64068, '2022-01-29 03:12:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (64111, '2022-01-29 03:12:38', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (65480, '2022-01-29 03:15:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (65525, '2022-01-29 03:15:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (65570, '2022-01-29 03:15:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66039, '2022-01-29 03:16:30', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66088, '2022-01-29 03:16:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66133, '2022-01-29 03:16:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66142, '2022-01-29 03:16:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66191, '2022-01-29 03:16:48', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66236, '2022-01-29 03:16:53', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66245, '2022-01-29 03:16:54', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66246, '2022-01-29 03:16:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66255, '2022-01-29 03:16:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66256, '2022-01-29 03:16:55', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66265, '2022-01-29 03:16:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66266, '2022-01-29 03:16:56', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66819, '2022-01-29 03:18:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66836, '2022-01-29 03:18:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (66849, '2022-01-29 03:18:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (69502, '2022-01-29 03:23:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (69515, '2022-01-29 03:23:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (69524, '2022-01-29 03:23:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70121, '2022-01-29 03:24:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70166, '2022-01-29 03:24:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70175, '2022-01-29 03:24:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70220, '2022-01-29 03:24:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70266, '2022-01-29 03:24:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70274, '2022-01-29 03:24:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70283, '2022-01-29 03:24:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70284, '2022-01-29 03:24:59', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70292, '2022-01-29 03:25:00', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70293, '2022-01-29 03:25:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70299, '2022-01-29 03:25:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70300, '2022-01-29 03:25:01', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70349, '2022-01-29 03:25:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70363, '2022-01-29 03:25:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70375, '2022-01-29 03:25:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70864, '2022-01-29 03:26:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70873, '2022-01-29 03:26:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (70886, '2022-01-29 03:26:10', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (72922, '2022-01-29 03:30:16', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/zWMj0kjPzrcrCuLHxLGglCHQ2Rj2/devices/H2RXHO02093849/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXHO02093849 on account zWMj0kjPzrcrCuLHxLGglCHQ2Rj2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Authentication backend unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643427015.870278653","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Authentication backend unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (72945, '2022-01-29 03:30:19', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/hg9FfGhmbqc5BjYkRLadV3T5GTd2/devices/HNTVHN10081348/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN10081348 on account hg9FfGhmbqc5BjYkRLadV3T5GTd2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Authentication backend unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643427018.619049634","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Authentication backend unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (73152, '2022-01-29 03:30:43', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/NbeIm0FqjUP3SaGzIGOftOAFU0O2/devices/H2RXHO03099856/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXHO03099856 on account NbeIm0FqjUP3SaGzIGOftOAFU0O2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Authentication backend unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643427043.398598865","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Authentication backend unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (77285, '2022-01-29 03:39:03', '"Sim: 8931080520034199073F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Active. Requested update plan: DataOnly"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (107971, '2022-01-29 04:32:41', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2/devices/HNTVHN10081504/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN10081504 on account w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Connection reset by peer", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643430760.724409123","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Connection reset by peer","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313196, '2022-01-29 08:28:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313295, '2022-01-29 08:28:20', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313320, '2022-01-29 08:28:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313340, '2022-01-29 08:28:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313441, '2022-01-29 08:28:27', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313462, '2022-01-29 08:28:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313563, '2022-01-29 08:28:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313564, '2022-01-29 08:28:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313585, '2022-01-29 08:28:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313586, '2022-01-29 08:28:35', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313600, '2022-01-29 08:28:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313601, '2022-01-29 08:28:36', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313710, '2022-01-29 08:28:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313739, '2022-01-29 08:28:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (313766, '2022-01-29 08:28:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335330, '2022-01-29 08:48:01', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335437, '2022-01-29 08:48:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335541, '2022-01-29 08:48:13', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335585, '2022-01-29 08:48:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335610, '2022-01-29 08:48:16', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335640, '2022-01-29 08:48:18', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335720, '2022-01-29 08:48:22', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335721, '2022-01-29 08:48:22', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335738, '2022-01-29 08:48:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335739, '2022-01-29 08:48:23', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335754, '2022-01-29 08:48:24', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (335755, '2022-01-29 08:48:24', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (340518, '2022-01-29 08:52:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (340540, '2022-01-29 08:52:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (340568, '2022-01-29 08:52:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (343877, '2022-01-29 08:55:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (343902, '2022-01-29 08:55:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (343926, '2022-01-29 08:55:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (373605, '2022-01-29 09:20:06', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (373632, '2022-01-29 09:20:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (373658, '2022-01-29 09:20:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (406621, '2022-01-29 09:46:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (406647, '2022-01-29 09:46:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (406675, '2022-01-29 09:46:42', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (436813, '2022-01-29 10:09:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (436850, '2022-01-29 10:09:59', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (436888, '2022-01-29 10:10:00', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (458421, '2022-01-29 10:25:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (458455, '2022-01-29 10:25:44', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (458494, '2022-01-29 10:25:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (468930, '2022-01-29 10:33:23', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (468961, '2022-01-29 10:33:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (468999, '2022-01-29 10:33:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (470890, '2022-01-29 10:34:49', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (470927, '2022-01-29 10:34:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (470961, '2022-01-29 10:34:52', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (478628, '2022-01-29 10:40:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (478754, '2022-01-29 10:40:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (478876, '2022-01-29 10:40:39', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (478905, '2022-01-29 10:40:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479020, '2022-01-29 10:40:46', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479150, '2022-01-29 10:40:51', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479260, '2022-01-29 10:40:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479261, '2022-01-29 10:40:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479267, '2022-01-29 10:40:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479268, '2022-01-29 10:40:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479289, '2022-01-29 10:40:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479290, '2022-01-29 10:40:59', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479447, '2022-01-29 10:41:05', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479470, '2022-01-29 10:41:07', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (479502, '2022-01-29 10:41:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (485566, '2022-01-29 10:45:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (485600, '2022-01-29 10:45:35', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (485627, '2022-01-29 10:45:36', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (571813, '2022-01-29 11:44:34', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643456673.668951972","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1171670, '2022-01-29 17:08:03', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1171870, '2022-01-29 17:08:08', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1171920, '2022-01-29 17:08:09', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172134, '2022-01-29 17:08:15', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172344, '2022-01-29 17:08:21', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172558, '2022-01-29 17:08:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172760, '2022-01-29 17:08:32', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172761, '2022-01-29 17:08:32', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172807, '2022-01-29 17:08:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172808, '2022-01-29 17:08:33', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172852, '2022-01-29 17:08:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1172853, '2022-01-29 17:08:34', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1173073, '2022-01-29 17:08:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1173125, '2022-01-29 17:08:41', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1173188, '2022-01-29 17:08:43', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1179384, '2022-01-29 17:11:29', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1179596, '2022-01-29 17:11:34', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1179803, '2022-01-29 17:11:40', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180006, '2022-01-29 17:11:45', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180204, '2022-01-29 17:11:50', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180405, '2022-01-29 17:11:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180436, '2022-01-29 17:11:57', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180439, '2022-01-29 17:11:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180476, '2022-01-29 17:11:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180480, '2022-01-29 17:11:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180504, '2022-01-29 17:11:58', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1180505, '2022-01-29 17:11:58', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2/devices/H2RXLP10127271/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP10127271 on account enI8lHwTdyZjpoSjPTZtM3i9diT2, error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1181508, '2022-01-29 17:12:25', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1181548, '2022-01-29 17:12:26', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1181603, '2022-01-29 17:12:28', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1423725, '2022-01-29 18:53:38', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/QKtPnH2mibTQeuPgYmOM2cdLnOi1/devices/HNTVHO05105664/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHO05105664 on account QKtPnH2mibTQeuPgYmOM2cdLnOi1, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Authentication backend unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643482417.626358311","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Authentication backend unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetDeviceRefAsync(String accountId, String id) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 1577\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 682', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1539022, '2022-01-29 19:38:15', '"Sim: 89148000007616323305 was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Active. Requested update plan: DataOnly"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (1543644, '2022-01-29 19:40:01', '"Sim: 89148000007616323305 was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Active. Requested update plan: DataAndSms"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (2697179, '2022-01-30 01:50:12', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/5NmQkbzHjWYJ4JCDhas71Tt7sXi1/devices/HNTVHO05105497/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHO05105497 on account 5NmQkbzHjWYJ4JCDhas71Tt7sXi1, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643507411.436606837","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (2697180, '2022-01-30 01:50:12', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/Pc06QEhbECPBEUAmS3RzdlVR9wN2/devices/HNTVHN08077121/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN08077121 on account Pc06QEhbECPBEUAmS3RzdlVR9wN2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643507411.436463502","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (4250250, '2022-01-30 08:26:44', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643531204.033124147","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (4250522, '2022-01-30 08:26:48', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643531207.867336579","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (5505454, '2022-01-30 12:59:54', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (5505533, '2022-01-30 12:59:55', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (5505614, '2022-01-30 12:59:56', 'Error retrieving device', 'Failed to uniquely identify the device wit hserail number: H2RXLP10127271. 2 devices found', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6451258, '2022-01-30 16:02:07', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6453222, '2022-01-30 16:02:28', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6489332, '2022-01-30 16:09:02', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6522931, '2022-01-30 16:15:07', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6555707, '2022-01-30 16:21:03', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6621847, '2022-01-30 16:33:00', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6655046, '2022-01-30 16:39:01', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6721333, '2022-01-30 16:51:00', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6723389, '2022-01-30 16:51:23', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6725517, '2022-01-30 16:51:46', 'Cell Carrier Callback UpdatePlan Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N HLPXHN12086384. SIM: 89148000006615272125. IMEI: 864839043859400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED.Your request failed due to an internal system error.. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6728446, '2022-01-30 16:52:17', 'Reached max tries for verizon sim 89148000006615272125', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6777021, '2022-01-30 17:01:03', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643562062.803946105","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6784883, '2022-01-30 17:02:26', 'Invoice error capturing payment (BusinessLogic.PaymentsController.Post)', 'authNet Response: \'Error Code E00040: Customer Profile ID or Customer Payment Profile ID not found.\', CaptureRequestDTO: {"IdEnterprise":"1010250","IdAuthnetCustomerProfile":"932234930","CustomerPaymentProfileId":"935357432","SubscriptionId":"55933432","InvoiceNumber":"1068878","TotalAmt":10.7,"TaxAmt":0.7,"CardCode":"002","Lines":[{"amount":5.0,"quantity":1,"sku":"MA","description":"Camera Access"},{"amount":5.0,"quantity":1,"sku":"RTRA","description":"Real-Time Access"}],"Address":{"firstName":"Steve","lastName":"Smith","company":null,"line1":"412 E Sugarland Hwy","line2":"","city":"Clewiston","region":"FL","postalCode":"33440","country":"US","phoneNumber":null,"email":null},"TaxExempt":null,"InternalNote":null,"CustomerNote":null}, AuthNetRequest: {"IdAuthnetCustomerProfile":"932234930","customerPaymentProfileId":"935357432","subscriptionId":"55933432","invoiceNumber":"1068878","totalAmount":10.7,"taxAmount":0.7,"cardCode":"002","address":{"firstName":"Steve","lastName":"Smith","company":null,"line1":"412 E Sugarland Hwy","line2":"","city":"Clewiston","region":"FL","postalCode":"33440","country":"US","phoneNumber":null}}', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (6881873, '2022-01-30 17:19:38', 'Invoice error capturing payment (BusinessLogic.PaymentsController.Post)', 'authNet Response: \'Error Code E00040: Customer Profile ID or Customer Payment Profile ID not found.\', CaptureRequestDTO: {"IdEnterprise":"1010250","IdAuthnetCustomerProfile":"932234930","CustomerPaymentProfileId":"935357432","SubscriptionId":"55933432","InvoiceNumber":"1068880","TotalAmt":10.7,"TaxAmt":0.7,"CardCode":"002","Lines":[{"amount":5.0,"quantity":1,"sku":"MA","description":"Camera Access"},{"amount":5.0,"quantity":1,"sku":"RTRA","description":"Real-Time Access"}],"Address":{"firstName":"Steve","lastName":"Smith","company":null,"line1":"412 E Sugarland Hwy","line2":"","city":"Clewiston","region":"FL","postalCode":"33440","country":"US","phoneNumber":null,"email":null},"TaxExempt":null,"InternalNote":null,"CustomerNote":null}, AuthNetRequest: {"IdAuthnetCustomerProfile":"932234930","customerPaymentProfileId":"935357432","subscriptionId":"55933432","invoiceNumber":"1068880","totalAmount":10.7,"taxAmount":0.7,"cardCode":"002","address":{"firstName":"Steve","lastName":"Smith","company":null,"line1":"412 E Sugarland Hwy","line2":"","city":"Clewiston","region":"FL","postalCode":"33440","country":"US","phoneNumber":null}}', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8537065, '2022-01-30 22:00:06', 'Error notifying app cluster of device change', ' did not return in success. Result: Sim on the device is not the same as the sim specified. Specified: 89148000007194792970, curentSim: 89148000007616323305', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8679513, '2022-01-30 22:22:56', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643581375.779672009","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829661, '2022-01-30 22:46:56', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582815.749405646","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829697, '2022-01-30 22:46:56', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582816.108543578","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829868, '2022-01-30 22:46:58', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582817.721779475","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829870, '2022-01-30 22:46:58', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582817.733425642","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829922, '2022-01-30 22:46:58', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582818.188116643","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829967, '2022-01-30 22:46:59', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582818.602849291","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8829975, '2022-01-30 22:46:59', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582818.675829831","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (8830094, '2022-01-30 22:47:00', 'Error sending to Google Task', 'Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="DeadlineExceeded", Detail="Deadline Exceeded", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643582819.877782367","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}")\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiCallRetryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext()\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Reconyx.Utils.GoogleCloudTaskHelper.CreateTaskAsync(String url, String payload, Int32 inSeconds)', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574881, '2022-01-31 22:52:15', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/dgZCm4lyz3M7mDJnBvqBE5wfS0E3/devices/HNTVHN10081263/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN10081263 on account dgZCm4lyz3M7mDJnBvqBE5wfS0E3, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669453.142511965","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574882, '2022-01-31 22:52:16', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2/devices/HNTVHN10081504/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN10081504 on account w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669453.135585156","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574883, '2022-01-31 22:52:17', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/996j9fkuJhQkHseCIoyqxSk4vBD3/devices/HLPXHO06111853/commands Failed to get commands for device HLPXHO06111853 on account 996j9fkuJhQkHseCIoyqxSk4vBD3, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669456.770391234","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574885, '2022-01-31 22:52:23', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/20EYlwSjx5QNbmckqw227J3MfqH2/devices/HNTVHO05106296/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHO05106296 on account 20EYlwSjx5QNbmckqw227J3MfqH2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669542.668425785","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574886, '2022-01-31 22:52:35', 'Exception in VerizonQueueProcessor Reading from the stream has failed.', NULL, ' at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.LoadPacket()\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.ReadOk(Boolean read)\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.ChangeDatabase(String databaseName)\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()\n at System.Data.Common.DbConnection.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenDbConnectionAsync(Boolean errorsExpected, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenDbConnectionAsync(Boolean errorsExpected, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, Boolean errorsExpected)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(RelationalCommandParameterObject parameterObject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.AsyncEnumerator.InitializeReaderAsync(DbContext _, Boolean result, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Internal.MySQLExecutionStrategy.ExecuteAsync[TState,TResult](TState state, Func`4 operation, Func`4 verifySucceeded, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.AsyncEnumerator.MoveNextAsync()\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.SingleOrDefaultAsync[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 asyncEnumerable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.SingleOrDefaultAsync[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 asyncEnumerable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at CellularProviders.Services.Verizon.VerizonDesiredStateQueue.Pop() in /src/CellularProviders/Services/Verizon/VerizonDesiredStateQueue.cs:line 257\n at CellularProviders.Services.Verizon.VerizonQueueProcessor.RunPassAsync(CancellationToken token) in /src/CellularProviders/Services/Verizon/VerizonQueueProcessor.cs:line 247\n at Core.Services.RestartableBackgroundService`1.ExecuteWithNewScope(CancellationToken cancellation) in /src/Core/Services/RestartableBackgroundService.cs/RestartableBackgroundService.cs:line 157\n at Core.Services.RestartableBackgroundService`1.ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellation) in /src/Core/Services/RestartableBackgroundService.cs/RestartableBackgroundService.cs:line 99', NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574887, '2022-01-31 22:52:40', 'Error Deactivating sim', 'Sim 89011703278558674134. Error: Update did not result in success. Result: TooManyRequests, Failed to set device Information info. {"errorCode":"40000029","errorMessage":"Rate Limit Exceeded"}', ' at BusinessLogic.Services.Sim.SimService.DeactivateSim(String sim, String callbackUrl) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/Sim/ISimService.cs:line 67', NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574888, '2022-01-31 22:52:41', '"Sim: 8931080520034179778F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Hibernated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574889, '2022-01-31 22:52:41', 'Error processing Sim Queue', 'Error processing action: Deactivate for sim 89011703278558674134. Exception: Update did not result in success. Result: TooManyRequests, Failed to set device Information info. {"errorCode":"40000029","errorMessage":"Rate Limit Exceeded"}', ' at BusinessLogic.Services.Sim.SimService.DeactivateSim(String sim, String callbackUrl) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/Sim/ISimService.cs:line 67\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueueProcessor.RunPassAsync(CancellationToken cancellation, ISimActionQueue queue) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueueProcessor.cs:line 117', NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574890, '2022-01-31 22:52:41', '"Sim: 8931080520034179760F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Hibernated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574891, '2022-01-31 22:52:42', '"Sim: 8931080520034180214F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Hibernated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574892, '2022-01-31 22:52:42', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034179778F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574893, '2022-01-31 22:52:42', '"Sim: 8931080520034193357F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Hibernated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574894, '2022-01-31 22:52:42', '"Sim: 8931080520034193357F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Hibernated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574895, '2022-01-31 22:52:43', '"Sim: 8931080520034195188F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574896, '2022-01-31 22:52:43', '"Sim: 8931080520034195188F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574897, '2022-01-31 22:52:43', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034179760F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574898, '2022-01-31 22:52:43', '"Sim: 8931080520034194652F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574899, '2022-01-31 22:52:43', '"Sim: 8931080520034194652F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574900, '2022-01-31 22:52:51', 'Error processing Sim Queue', 'Error processing action: Deactivate for sim 8931080520034180792F. Exception: Reading from the stream has failed.', ' at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.LoadPacket()\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.ReadOk(Boolean read)\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.ChangeDatabase(String databaseName)\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()\n at System.Data.Common.DbConnection.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenDbConnectionAsync(Boolean errorsExpected, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenDbConnectionAsync(Boolean errorsExpected, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, Boolean errorsExpected)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(RelationalCommandParameterObject parameterObject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.AsyncEnumerator.InitializeReaderAsync(DbContext _, Boolean result, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Internal.MySQLExecutionStrategy.ExecuteAsync[TState,TResult](TState state, Func`4 operation, Func`4 verifySucceeded, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.AsyncEnumerator.MoveNextAsync()\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.SingleOrDefaultAsync[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 asyncEnumerable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.SingleOrDefaultAsync[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 asyncEnumerable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueue.Done(Int32 id, String result, DateTime version) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueue.cs:line 98\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueueProcessor.DetermineSimActionResult(SimProvider provider, SimActionQueueEntry entry, ISimActionQueue queue) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueueProcessor.cs:line 127\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueueProcessor.RunPassAsync(CancellationToken cancellation, ISimActionQueue queue) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueueProcessor.cs:line 117', NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574901, '2022-01-31 22:52:52', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034180792F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574902, '2022-01-31 22:52:53', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034180792F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574903, '2022-01-31 22:52:54', 'Error processing Sim Queue', 'Error processing action: Deactivate for sim 8931080520034180792F. Exception: Reading from the stream has failed.', ' at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.LoadPacket()\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket()\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.ReadOk(Boolean read)\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.ChangeDatabase(String databaseName)\n at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()\n at System.Data.Common.DbConnection.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenDbConnectionAsync(Boolean errorsExpected, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenDbConnectionAsync(Boolean errorsExpected, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalConnection.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, Boolean errorsExpected)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(RelationalCommandParameterObject parameterObject, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.AsyncEnumerator.InitializeReaderAsync(DbContext _, Boolean result, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Internal.MySQLExecutionStrategy.ExecuteAsync[TState,TResult](TState state, Func`4 operation, Func`4 verifySucceeded, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.AsyncEnumerator.MoveNextAsync()\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.SingleOrDefaultAsync[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 asyncEnumerable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.SingleOrDefaultAsync[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 asyncEnumerable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueue.Done(Int32 id, String result, DateTime version) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueue.cs:line 98\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueueProcessor.DetermineSimActionResult(SimProvider provider, SimActionQueueEntry entry, ISimActionQueue queue) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueueProcessor.cs:line 127\n at BusinessLogic.Services.SimQueue.SimActionQueueProcessor.RunPassAsync(CancellationToken cancellation, ISimActionQueue queue) in /src/BusinessLogic/Services/SimQueue/SimActionQueueProcessor.cs:line 117', NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574904, '2022-01-31 22:52:55', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034180214F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574905, '2022-01-31 22:52:56', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034193357F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574906, '2022-01-31 22:52:57', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2/devices/HNTVHN10081442/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN10081442 on account w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669564.963316592","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574907, '2022-01-31 22:52:58', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034193357F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574908, '2022-01-31 22:52:59', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034195188F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574909, '2022-01-31 22:53:00', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034194652F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574910, '2022-01-31 22:53:01', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034195188F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574911, '2022-01-31 22:53:01', '"Sim: 8931080520034180792F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574912, '2022-01-31 22:53:02', '"Sim: 8931080520034180941F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574913, '2022-01-31 22:53:02', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034194652F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574914, '2022-01-31 22:53:03', '"Sim: 8931080520034180776F was not able to be modified. May require further action. Requested Update Status: Deactivated. Requested update plan: Unknown"', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574915, '2022-01-31 22:53:03', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/SOk5T988bOhsiHmGWzsYAr4dfVj1/devices/HNTVHN09078909/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN09078909 on account SOk5T988bOhsiHmGWzsYAr4dfVj1, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669577.661522034","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574916, '2022-01-31 22:53:04', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2/devices/HNTVHO05105752/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHO05105752 on account w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669577.665643541","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574917, '2022-01-31 22:53:05', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2/devices/HNTVHO05105974/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHO05105974 on account w2exC03xRQT4eRDj0eY5yqA7uxs2, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669577.665579981","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574918, '2022-01-31 22:53:06', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034180792F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574919, '2022-01-31 22:53:07', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034180941F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574920, '2022-01-31 22:53:08', 'Action needed on sim action queue', 'Sim 8931080520034180776F from provider SimHero needs additional action', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574921, '2022-01-31 22:54:33', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/kMDysMkHGCbnQiajRyLvycSsxvE3/devices/HNTVHN08076755/commands Failed to get commands for device HNTVHN08076755 on account kMDysMkHGCbnQiajRyLvycSsxvE3, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="GOAWAY received", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643669668.945334817","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"GOAWAY received","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574922, '2022-02-01 00:01:02', 'Cell Carrier Callback Suspend Failed', 'Carrier error on S/N H2RXHN09079522. SIM: 89148000006394044893. IMEI: 864839042628400. FaultCode UnifiedWebService.REQUEST_FAILED.CarrierRequestUnsuccessful : REQUEST_FAILED. MTN not found. ', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574923, '2022-02-01 09:06:24', 'Error processing subscription payment', 'ERROR: Processing subscription transaction 63508698924: No account found for Customer Profile Id: 927503393.', ' at Database.Enterprise.Reconyx2AccountTable.SelectByCustomerProfileId(String customerProfileId) in /src/Database/Enterprise/Reconyx2AccountTable.cs:line 161\n at BusinessLogic.Controllers.SubscriptionsController.ProcessPayments(Int32 numberOfDaysToProcess) in /src/BusinessLogic/Controllers/SubscriptionsController.cs:line 227', NULL, 'New', NULL); INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `create_datetime`, `title`, `description`, `stack_trace`, `assigned_to`, `status`, `notes`) VALUES (9574924, '2022-02-01 09:58:18', 'Error saving device command', 'POST /firebaseconnect/api/accounts/xVbjq4SdnmRrNQwIuNTIdgjmTv53/devices/H2RXLP09126139/commands Failed to get commands for device H2RXLP09126139 on account xVbjq4SdnmRrNQwIuNTIdgjmTv53, error: Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Authentication backend unavailable.", DebugException="Grpc.Core.Internal.CoreErrorDetailException: {"created":"@1643709498.159242436","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:","file":"/var/local/git/grpc/src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Authentication backend unavailable.","grpc_status":14}")\n at Grpc.Core.Internal.ClientResponseStream`2.MoveNext(CancellationToken token)\n at Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.AsyncResponseStream`1.MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at System.Linq.AsyncEnumerable.g__Core|295_0[TSource](IAsyncEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in d:\\a\\1\\s\\Ix.NET\\Source\\System.Linq.Async\\System\\Linq\\Operators\\ForEach.cs:line 31\n at Google.Cloud.Firestore.Query.GetSnapshotAsync(ByteString transactionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\n at FirebaseConnect.Controllers.AccountsDevicesController.GetPendingMessagesAsync(String accountId, String id, String priority, String types) in /src/FirebaseImageUpload/Controllers/AccountsDevicesController.cs:line 692', NULL, NULL, 'New', NULL);